- Peacs is continuing its development effort to improve the educational program ECGsim in honor of its founder Prof. Adriaan van Oosterom and his successor researcher/educator dr. Thom Oostendorp..
- We have been awarded a Health Holland grant to research and develop 12 lead ECG based detection of cardiac disorders in COVID19 patients.
- We have been awarded a Health Holland grant to research and further develop patient specific heart models to support accurate heart activation reconstructions of activation and recovery processes in order to support cardiac interventions and diagnostics
- Our first clinical application which we develop in close collaboration with our license partner CPI has been cleared by the FDA.
- We have incorporated our new initiative ECG Excellence which focuses on improving 12 lead ECG based diagnostics and prognostics
- We have concluded the Eurostars Avale project and have been able to deliver impressive results in applying our technology in reconstruction of electrical pathways
- We have been awarded the QRS-Vision project by the Dutch Heart Foundation.
- Peacs obtained Eurostars funding to develop a product based on their improved ECG diagnostic technology.
- Together with the department of Biomedical Engineering of the University of Maastricht Peacs received a grant to realize a second and improved version of the educational CircAdapt application based on continues research and improvements on the CircAdapt simulation model.
- Peacs started the ongoing collaboration with Dr. Leonard Gettes MD to support his writing of the second and free available version of the digital book Understanding the Electrocardiogram.
- Together with Stanford Health Care and a grant from the Peter Patrick Madigan Antonini Foundation Peacs developed an application (ANAviewer)to support the medical staff explaining the Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) disease to patients.
- Together with the department of Biomedical Engineering of the University of Maastricht Peacs received a grant to realize the educational application based on the CircAdapt simulation model.
- Together with the department of Biomedical Engineering of the University of Maastricht Peacs received a grant to write specification for an educational application based on the CircAdapt simulation model.
- Peacs obtained a grant to develop a next version of ECGsim with improved features.
- Peacs initially started with a grant to develop a complete renewed version of ECGsim for teaching ECG to medical students.